Over the weekend I found out that I was named as one of the top ten inspirational bloggers by SheKnows. I was humbled, grateful, and thankful for such an honor.
It’s living intentional. And my heart is to encourage you to embrace living life this way as well.

1. You don’t know how much time you really have to live. A couple weeks ago when I ended up sitting in the middle of the interstate stopped after almost being in that accident I remember having this waking up realization that I escaped death. And with that knowledge came the energy to embrace today, that day, and to live life fully. I listened more, chatted more, wanted to be with my family more – all things that once again I had taken for granted. We don’t know how many days we’re blessed with. Use your days wisely, live fully.
2. Life becomes more enjoyable. When you live with an intentional, joy seeking heart, it allows more positive thinking to enter your thoughts. You are choosing to embrace where you are – despite the circumstances. Instead of sitting passively in the current, it is instead this waking up, rising up, and breathing in the beauty tucked in the everyday.
3. You are wiser with your time. When you look at your days with an intentional heart then the minutes that you are given matter more. You’re less likely to squander minutes on things that don’t matter as much. Now, that doesn’t mean you don’t rest or have fun or laugh, but instead it means that you are looking at your time as gift – one to be cherished. With that mindset the moments of rest will be carved out easier because the value in taking this time becomes more evident.
4. Relationships matter more. Intentional living enhances relationships. Plain and simple, people are looked at and viewed for who they are – not what they can do, give, or be for you. I know that I value my family much more when I look at what I can give to them and can bless them with versus what they always need to do for me.
5. You cherish the now but embrace the future. An intentional heart allows you to look forward to the future, to be wise and to plan, but it also, in the same breath, allows you to embrace where you are in the moment. It’s this balance of planning and living awake. It’s a posture of moving forward, and while one is moving, absorbing and appreciating the beauty and the gifts that are happening as you move.
6. Little things become more beautiful. The sunrise, sunset, cry of momma in the morning, hot coffee, a clean table, heat, an email from a friend, a smile across the room, minutes at the piano — those things matter. Living an intentional life involves making a choice to see the little things and to allow those moments to bless you with joy. Make a choice to start looking for the little things in your life.
7. You become willing to take a risk. There is less fear in trying and is instead more fear in not trying. Honestly, when I am on my last days I want to look back at my life and be so grateful for the moments when I stepped out of my comfort zone and pushed myself. Risks are good and often needed. And little things can be risks – deciding to attend the MOPS group when you know no one, changing a pattern in your life that you’ve had forever, calling that friend – all risks that often you just need to conquer.
8. It brings joy. Bottom line, living intentionally opens the heart to joy. Joy is not something that we can just feel – it’s not like happiness. Happiness to me, is an elusive emotion that comes and goes. Joy, as I’ve said for years, is simply a posture of the heart that is awake and is willing to embrace today no matter what the circumstances may be. Intentional living brings more joy because you become intent on seeing life differently.

These are just eight of the many reasons why I attempt to live with intentionality.
What are some reasons that you choose to live with an intentional heart?
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a heartfelt thank to my sweet daughter for capturing these images of me playing the piano – to view her work simply visit her at hannah nicole.
probably not particularly profound…but I have noticed that I try to make more effort to be more intentional since starting to read your blog. I am a wife, mom to toddler and a full-time PhD student. Soe people have way more to deal with then me…but what I have has me exhausted anyway. I have realised I don’t want to have anything in my life that is not necessary or is not beautiful. I refuse to go shopping in a large industrial-style centre because it is so grey and draining – I would rather go into the town and see more trees and people on the way. I have changed my yoga studio (and started yoga to get back into both mental and physical shape) so when I have this small slice of me time each week I get to look at a beautiful candles and victorian ceiling while I practice, instead of small and kind of dark studio I went to before (and never lasted more than once or twice).
I realised that in a busy time of my life I can’t afford to waste my time on something that is not beautiful in some way. That shifted my perspective. I decluttered (still in progress!), I ask myself “do I really have to do this?” and if I do and it is not something I enjoy, I can still try and inject a bit of beauty into it..
Thank you, Rachel 🙂 As I said – I wish I had something more profound to say…but it is the small things that seem to really improve life for me.
I just recently started getting your emails and I am loving them! They have helped me change my thinking during this busy and stressful time in my families life. I just had my third child 5 weeks ago and I have a 3 1/2 year old and an almost 2 year old at home. Since May I have been a single mom during the week because my husband took a new job in another state. He is gone Sunday night thru Friday and home on the weekends. During this time we have been getting our house ready to sell, which has sold, and we are now getting ready to move at the end of November. It is hard to do this all on my own, even with my great family around to help me, and I have gotten into a cycle of feeling constant stress. Reading your posts have helped me rethink about the time and interactions I am having with my children. I am trying to slow down and embrace it all. Today when reading from my Jesus Calling book, the first line was “Learn to appreciate difficult
days.” That I am trying. Anyway, sorry for the long post.
Thank you for taking the time to blog and congratulations on being one of the top 10 bloggers!!
Congratulations! I am going through something I never thought I would and it’s so rough. I’m doing my best to focus on gratitude this month. I’m 8days in and I feel a difference in myself. When I start to feel depressed, I’m able to pull myself out so much faster with positive thoughts and words.
God knew what I needed when I found your blog last month. Thank you for writing the way you do.
Rachel, you so deserve this award. You have helped so many of us to think about that word “intentional”. I know it’s been a word from God for me
I am looking through my trials and focusing on God and what He says about Himself, me and the future. It’s so good! Count it ALL joy, even in the midst of trials. So, I am intentionally writing about and doing things in my life to promote the fullness of joy. =)
I am so happy for you Rachel! You deserve this honor for all you do to encourage women everywhere to live an intentional life and find joy in the every day, and every moment. God bless you!! 🙂
Congratulation Rachel! You deserve it! Even your post now is so inspirational, really 🙂
I’m not surprised you won that award – congratulations! Seriously EVERYTHING you write is inspiring <3