Last night I had one of those WAKE UP moments. You know, those times in life that diverge from the norm? Maybe it’s as extreme as a tragedy or as minor as a near accident — it’s those moments where you get snapped from the normalcy of everyday and can see life from a different perspective.
part of the road to ballet on a normal day
My moment came when I drove my second daughter, Chloe, home from ballet. Normally, this would be a minor deal. We’d drive over a bridge, and over some hills, while we joked about life or talked about ballet or sat in silence. But last night was different. It was snowing. Very, very hard. So hard, in fact, that the back roads — from the infamous “road to ballet” — were not plowed. At all. And this is a hilly, back-country road that I take.
I couldn’t see.
I could hear the nervousness in Chloe’s voice when she told me she couldn’t see the road. I calmly told her that I saw it — even though I didn’t at all. I had to stop. In the middle of the road and clean my wipers — the snow was falling faster than even those little wipers could keep up with. But, then right after I cleaned them, I had to keep going. I had NO choice. Deep down, I knew the road. I knew it was there — I’d driven it almost every day for 18 months. I couldn’t see it. But, I had faith.
Isn’t that like life?
We’re on these roads and at times we can’t see the road. We ask the Lord, “where’s the path? Could you just show us the way? Guide us? Give us some direction?” And yet, we are as blind to the path as I was last night. Yet, we keep moving. Last night, it was simply faith that I knew the road. But, in life, it’s faith that our loving Father knows the road before us. So we move. By faith.
the road uncovered
And sometimes, it’s scary. Or hard. Or the path seems clouded. Yet we keep moving, keep trusting, keep believing. We might have to stop to clean our wiper blades — refresh our view — but truly, we keep moving knowing that we have a Father who loves us and care for us, and ultimately knows the road underneath all that snow.
On another note, I’m wanted to share with you that I’m now a contributing writer for 5 Minutes For Faith. I was honored to be asked to join their team, and have already been blessed working with them. I’m sharing with you a link to an article I wrote titled — Missing Pieces — and no, it’s not really about puzzle pieces, but more about pieces that we cling to and try to make sense of — when we really should let them go. And, really it should only take you about 5 minutes to read it. Get it? 5 minutes? and 5 Minutes For Faith? (okay. Now i’m just silly. It’s waaaay to early for me.)
I’d love for you to check it out — and when you pop over there, would you leave me a comment? (Click on my link the title Missing Pieces — their link is broken) I’d appreciate it — as I’m the newbie. 🙂 But, don’t leave without commenting here okay, okay, okay you DON’T have to. I just like hearing from you so I thought I’d try the direct approach. Ha ha ha! — I am, however, SO blessed by your comments and notes of encouragement. Thank you for taking your time and leaving them.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I really needed to read this today. Life is so chaotic sometimes and it scary not to know where we are going and what is ahead of us.
Thank you so much!
I thought of Jer. 29:11,12 while reading this. Good metaphor – sometimes life does blind us and we have to keep moving by faith, not sight.
Beautiful picture, btw.
You are a good writer.
Loved this post. I’ve had those scary moments and had no choice but to keep going.
Beautiful post. Glad you made it home safely.
Even when we can’t see the road clearly ahead, may our trust be firmly rooted and grounded in Him, who lights each step.
Congrats on being a contributing writer at 5 Minutes For Faith…hopping over to check it out.
Glad you made it home safely under the care of God’s loving hand.
Beautiful, inspiring post. I am going now to check you out at 5 Minutes of Faith. Congrats!
I am always so blessed by your blog. I love nothing more than being challenged by a post…posts that make me think and make me examine my faith are so encouraging and powerful. Thank you for being that blessing for me today, sweet Rachel!
Thanks for this post. My family and I are waiting for God to show us the path, but in the meantime we know where to go/what to do. Thanks for reminding me to just keep doing what He’s called us to right now.
So good Rachel! There have been many times in the past year especially when my vision was clouded and I could not see. Yet, I choose to trust and God brought me through. So thankful you arrived home safely.
Love your article at 5 Minutes for Faith. Left you a comment over there!
Ugh. We REALLY need this blind faith right now. REALLY BADLY. I think we are going to have to make a decision on Monday and trust that we know that it’s the one the Lord wants us to make. I am so nervous about picking the wrong path… it’s one of those life changing decisions… major life changing. UGH!!!!!
Did you get dumped on by snow like we did over here? 6 inches and counting! Drive careful!
Juiceboxes and Wipes
(Formerly Growing Blessings)
What a beautiful post and reminder we are not alone even in the scariest of times.
I know 2 ladies who NEED this message! Thx!
what comfort there is in knowing the Lord carefully lays our plans and makes our steps firm. you are so good at seeing things from an eternal, Christ centered perspective.
and wow, you are on a blogging roll this week! : ) i love it.
Congratulations on the writer stuff!
I needed this post. God is asking me to do something today that requires a tremendous amount of faith. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I must obey Him in order to have peace. He will get me through.
I’m so glad you got home safe. God was protecting you. Especially, when you had to stop in the middle of the road. That would be terrifying. I know some real trajedies that have occurred when that happened not too far away from here. Caused a huge pile up and many people with killed. God was difinetely protecting you whether you were on a country road or not.
Thank you, Lord!
Beautiful post! I love the gorgeous pix and wise words…so true! Heading over to 5 Minutes for Faith…congrats!
Just stopped by to say, have a blessed day!
Know that you’re in my thoughts and prayers!
Psalms 91:1-2 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Prayer Bears
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Just wanted to say this touched me 🙂 Thanks for writing your posts are always encouraging.
Gorgeous pictures too!