On Friday, June 24th, it will be a year since Samuel {yes, Samuel} was admitted to Children’s Hospital to have an emergency endoscopy to…
gluten free
Samuel is starting to realize that there are foods that he cannot eat. And he does not like it. Not one bit. In fact,…
Last Thursday, after Samuel’s Gastroenterologist called to tell me that Samuel’s biopsy was clear {thank goodness} and that it officially confirmed Celiac Disease due…
time keeps on slippin’ slippin’ slippin’ <br /> <br /> <a href=”https://findingjoy.net/category/friday-favorite-things”><img vspace=”none” hspace=”none” alt=”friday favorite things | finding joy” src=”http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt255/ElvishAuthoress/fridayfavoritethings.png” /></a> into the…
The light peeked through the windows as heavy gray clouds danced across the horizon. Raindrops slowly fell, leaving splatters of dampness on the deck.…
Just a short update. {when we arrived this morning} Samuel did great. I mean really great. The anesthesiologist was shocked at how calm he…