My calendar frustrates me. All the things on it. I keep telling myself “I just want normal” and then look at my schedule and…
Rachel Marie Martin
Rachel Marie Martin
Rachel Marie Martin is the author behind Finding Joy and the books, "Get Your Spark Back," "Mom Enough," and "The Brave Art of Motherhood." She is fiercely passionate about living an authentic, joy-filled and driven life and because of that writes powerful truth for others hoping to be the catalyst for change.
Original words, written by Rachel Marie Martin, author of today in an auditorium full of parents my son scanned the room looking for…
[addthis tool=”addthis_inline_share_toolbox”] I’ve been a mom for over twenty years. People think because of that magical double decade number that I’ve discovered the secret…
You can expect this: Me. Showing up. But I probably won’t be perfect. In fact, I am going to tell you I’m not perfect.…
For many years I thought running on empty was just what we did as moms. I kind of thought it a noble badge of…
To my kids, and all the kids in the midst of standardized testing: You are greater than any test. Let me repeat that: You…