My family is steeped in tradition.In fact, I work very hard to instill tradition into our lives.Because tradition = memories. One of our traditions?…
Finding Joy Blog
<br /> <br /> <a href=””><img vspace=”none” hspace=”none” alt=”friday favorite things | finding joy” src=”” /></a> the freedom to worship eternal freedom in Christ…
Caleb had been asking me to color with him all day. From the moment he woke, through breakfast, after some academics, and through the…
Dear Elijah, I’ve written myself a letter before reminding me what I need to remember, but today, I need to write a letter to…
1} Will spring really come? Winter’s grip is desperately trying to remain, and spring hasn’t enough energy to finally win. That’s why we had snow…
This week was one of those weeks. Those initial pull-up-your bootstraps I’m going to do it myself that leads to I can’t do it…