Dear Mom Letters Ebook

by Rachel Marie Martin
Dear Mom Letters Ebook


Do you ever feel like you are failing? Or overwhelmed as a mother?

Wondering if your house is the only one with the pile of shoes by the entryway and a big stack of dishes in the sink?

Does Pinterest and the highlight reel of a hypothetical perfect life feel like too much?

Do you just need a reminder that what you are doing in the midst of motherhood really matters?

If so, you’re not alone.

These letter inspire. They encourage. They remind you, the mother in the midst of the journey, that you are doing amazing things in the ordinary.

We’re in this motherhood race together. Look at everything you’ve already done today. Look at when you did great – when you didn’t flip out over spilled milk or when the laundry was caught up or when you just decided to forget about getting the dishes done and instead picked up your toddler and read the same book over and over and over.

Dear Mom on the Hard Days


These 21 Dear Mom Letters have reached over a million readers in the year since they’ve been published. They resonate with moms because they are real – authentic – encouraging – and leave you, the mother, remembering the true value of motherhood. They don’t sugar coat the challenges, but they also don’t leave you sitting in not knowing what to do. They’re like a dose of motherhood caffeine – pushing you to stand up, to brush yourself off, and to celebrate the moments in life.

Click the order now button to order this collection of letters in convenient ebook format.

I want you to know that what you are doing matters — and that where you are right now in your parenting journey is seriously one of the hardest stages in my own parenting journey. You are needed all day long. It is exhausting. There is no fanfare, no awards, no blue ribbons, no nothing for being a mom. And sometimes, it’s easy to think that what you are doing doesn’t matter. That your work – the picking up, cleaning, diaper-changing, nose wiping, feeding, rocking, reading, cooking and more doesn’t matter.

But, dear sister, it matters. Deeply. Life matters.

Dear Mom with Littles

Don’t let life, don’t let the crazy pace of life, the unending cycle of busy rob you from the minutes with your family. Don’t let the books that they want to read stay on the couch for days until the day when that old Arthur book never leaves the shelf because the six year old has grown and lost interest in the story.

Just watch the in a minutes. Or the just a seconds, waits, hold ons, and more.

Dear in a Minute Mom This collection of letters makes the ideal gift for the new mom, for the mom who just needs some words of encouragement, and for you, in the midst of your own motherhood journey. Sometimes we all need reminders that those nose wiping days, dish washing afternoons, and picking up the living room evenings are truly amazing gifts. Onward brave mother. Onward. Click here to purchase the Dear Mom Letters Ebook. It’s 62 pages of encouraging letters as well as original breathtaking photography that portrays the beauty of motherhood.

Don’t wait. Mothers matter. You matter.


I read your posts like I drink water in the desert some days… you have such wisdom, and the mom I aspire to be every day has been shaped by many of your thoughts. You help me focus on the TRULY important things – like listening, saying yes, and truly basking in the amazing moments I share with my daughter. I’m so grateful to have yours words, and I thank you for them. Kristi

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