I’ve been learning, slowly because it’s not that easy, to let go of “managing”everyone and everything else. Yes, managing. I think that’s been my…
No Showers for the Weary
I see you. I see you behind the busy. Behind the keeping it all together. Behind the “I’m fine” and smiles. I see you.…
“Mom, I have a question.” “Mom, can I have a snack?” “Mom, can you help?” “Mom, I need you.” “Mom, mom, mom….” Sometimes I…
It is not my job to entertain my kids. Yes, I want the best for them. Yes, I want them to experience great moments.…
This is unedited motherhood. That’s my little boys’ closet. This weekend I spent an hour in that closet – going through clothes, folding them,…
You can expect this: Me. Showing up. But I probably won’t be perfect. In fact, I am going to tell you I’m not perfect.…
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