I always wake up with good intentions. At least I’d like to think that. Of course there are those mornings where I really don’t…
Rachel Marie Martin
Rachel Marie Martin
Rachel Marie Martin is the author behind Finding Joy and the books, "Get Your Spark Back," "Mom Enough," and "The Brave Art of Motherhood." She is fiercely passionate about living an authentic, joy-filled and driven life and because of that writes powerful truth for others hoping to be the catalyst for change.
I wonder what my kids will remember about me. Sometimes that thought keeps me up late at night. Sometimes it wakes me in the…
original content and text by Rachel Marie Martin To use this quote and discover licensing rates please contact rachel@findingjoy.net Protected under copyright. Let my kids…
The other night could be what is called a mom hitting her limit as the entire world seems to come crashing in and I…
To the mom with a broken heart… That’s my oldest son in the picture below. He was maybe six there. When he was…
First of all, if you haven’t started the Konmari method, no worries about needing to start. This is about my experience, especially since so…