I am not good at readjusting well. I like my routine — I like my memories. And when things shift it’s easy to sit…
Finding Joy Blog
{I just had to post one more picture of my Elijah and his mustache.} On Sunday I made a quick run to the grocery…
{yesterday he was busy} Dear Elijah, You are my sixth child. You’re the child that we were told we could never have after Daddy…
Yesterday, Hannah and I spent the majority of the day editing, resizing, and burning dvds for the North Ballet Spring Performance. For hours and…
There are days where I lose stillness. More than quiet. More than neatness. More than being alone. It’s stillness of mind. Most days my…
This Friday these are my favorite moments. Moments of simplicity. And joy. And victory. Join me? <br /> <br /> <a href=”https://findingjoy.net/category/friday-favorite-things”><img vspace=”none” hspace=”none”…